Zil 130 and Kamaz 65115 differential is connected.Power and other characteristics of the car are not affected.Wheels of uaz 3151 and ural 432010 are fixed for off-road.Also added to most cars additional tanks.Many cars have add-ons that were not previously registered (long dissolution, autonomous crane, platform with a crane).Returned 5 cars to the game menu that were removed by the developers: 2 cars A-968M, C-4320, C-65115, D-535.Turn off additional headlights in cars during the day.Corrects headlights to white and adjusts the rest of the car lighting.Possibility to choose realistic splash from water.

It is possible to remove pieces of dirt from the wheels.Options to choose from: young month, full moon, no moon.It is possible to make the compass transparent.ReShade is available with the best customized filters.Makes dust more realistic and there are options to choose from.Fixed more than 140 textures, I see no point in listing all.Corrects the ground surfaces of the game.Changes the weather with a smooth flow of time of day.Replaces the winch cable with a natural one.Removes the ridiculous red tint from all plants.

* Realistic graphics + fix ReShade & ST mod * and my other mods are now in one installer.Īttention! Game support v 25.02.21 Epic Games and Steam.įor the network version of the game on 08/14/19 of the game, first install the SpinTires Mod and turn off the check of game files in the additional settings.

It includes mods previously created by me * Realistic graphics without loss *, I am glad to present you a new version of the mod * Realistic graphics Adega Mod Pack *! Realistic Graphics Adega Mod Pack v5.2 Fin + Sp